I am thrilled that our first annual cook-off was such a success and we seriously had such a blast! If you watched the video then you heard me say that up next would be a Dessert Competition… so lets do it! This time around I will be challenging my future sister in law, Jen (she was our camera woman for the previous competition)!
It will once again be something like “Chopped” on Food Network. You know, the one with the mystery basket of ingredients that seem like quite the odd pairings… yup thats what we want to do!! The tentative date for this is September 30th.
Heres where all of you, my wonderful readers come in… I would love for all of you to comment on this post with an ingredient that we could use in our challenge (please don’t make it anything that will be nearly impossible to find, remember we aren’t professional lol).
On the day of the competition I will write all the ingredients on pieces of paper, toss them into a bowl and have my hubby choose 3 ingredients. These will be our “mystery” ingredients, which all need to be utilized in some way.
Like I said in the cooking competition post, since its only in my dreams that I have a fully stocked pantry of everything we could need to create a fabulous dessert, Jen and I will be told what the ingredients are just beforehand.
Once the ingredients are revealed to us by our family we will have 30 minutes in the grocery store to pick up anything else we would like to use to create a fabulous dessert. Once we are back in my kitchen we will have 45 minutes to complete the challenge. I’m thinking, again since its only in my dreams that I have an enormous kitchen, that we will have one person at a time in the kitchen since i’ve only got 4 burners.
The judges: The wonderful Natalie will be back, my brother the winner of the cooking challenge & one more yet to be chosen. They will use a point system, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest for the categories of presentation, creativity and of course taste.
The winner… well the winner will get bragging rights for a while and title of the
1st Annual Dessert Challenge Winner

OK, Go for it… leave your ideas for mystery ingredients in a comment on this post!
Momma Lew
How fun!!!
Ingredient: Vanilla beans
Angela LeMoine
What a wonderful ingredient!! Thanks!
Anya Netchitailo
Angela LeMoine
interesting one! kinda like it! thanks so much!
When are you doing this? I want to come this time!
Ginger is my ingredient!
Angela LeMoine
love it! thanks!
Angela LeMoine
Love this!!!! thanks!!!
graham crackers
White chocolate!