ITS IN!!! The Results :: LeMoine Family Kitchen 1st Dessert Challenge

I am so excited that the video is finally done and we can share The Results :: LeMoine Family Kitchen 1st Dessert Challenge! Thanks for your patience! As always we had a blast with our at home “Chopped” like challenge. A couple months ago we held our first ever cooking challenge and let me tell ya, it was hysterical! If you haven’t seen the video for our 1st Cooking Challenge, check it out!
So, in case you haven’t been following along heres what this dessert challenge was all about. All you fabulous readers gave me suggestions for our mystery ingredients. As you’ll see if the video, 3 ingredients were chosen to be our mystery ingredients. We had 30 minutes in the grocery store and 45 minutes to complete the challenge.
The Mystery Ingredients…
White Chocolate
Goat Cheese
A big thanks to these special people!
Jen, my sister in law for joining in on the fun and being my challenger, love you!
Steve, the hubs, for taking the video and editing
Mikey, my brother ( and winner of our cooking challenge) for judging
Natalie, my witty foodie friend, for coming back to judge again
Nikki, way back friend and fellow blogger for judging & taking the amazing pics
Now for the video… yup I’m not giving the winner away, you have to watch. Oh and please don’t pay any mind to the chatter in the back, its nearly impossible to keep my Italian family quite for any extended period of time!
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