This post is going to be a bit different then my normal posts. There is no recipe here but I really want to share what changes i’ve been making in and out of the kitchen that have helped me lose 16 lbs since the beginning of March. I’m sure there are a lot of you that would love to get healthier, maybe lean out, trim up and/or have more energy and I’d love to share my story and maybe help out anyone interested in making some changes. Its a lot of info but please please do not hesitate to email me with any questions!!!
Lets start at the beginning. My darling friend Nikki, from WAY back, and I had reconnected a few years ago through facebook. More recently I’d been complaining to her about struggling to lose weight despite teaching zumba 4x a week. I was counting calories, working out and still not losing a pound! I had plateaued big time and was feeling incredibly frustrated and unmotivated! She started sharing her weight loss story with me and introduced me to a company called Advocare that has helped her out. Advocare products have changed my life big time and I am so incredibly thankful to Nikki for helping me out!
Krystle Wuethrich
Ahhh, I am doing Advocare too and it is amazing! I lost 4.8lb during my cleanse and I started my Max Phase this past Tuesday. Congrats on your amazing results! 🙂
Lynn Huntley
Hi Angela!! First of all, Congrats!! You look Great:) And second of all, I am really curious about this!! I would like more info…I have been wanting to loss those stubborn 15 lbs for a long time….I’ll email you in a few days Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines
Wtg Angela!! You look GREAT!!
Melissa Bo
Congratulations on your weight loss!
You look great!
Domestically Seasoned
Nice work…….. I am so interested in this product. I have seen great results from people who have used it. Now its my turn.