Heres the thing, Advocare products are NOT diet pills! If you want to lose weight and keep it off you need to do it the right way…. healthy eating, supplement your body to avoid nutritional deficiencies & to allow your body to work as efficiently as possible and get moving.
I can’t even begin to explain how much better I feel since i’ve started incorporating a lot more clean eating into my life. I don’t get that annoying bloated feeling, I have more energy, with the help of various Advocare products I am down 24 lbs and a ton of inches, lower resting heart rate, lower blood pressure and a lower BMI… I am a healthier person inside and out!!! And… the proof is in the picture! Before is March and the After was just a few weeks ago…
So heres what I’m doing right now… I am putting together a group of people ready to make a change, to get over a plateau, get healthier, drop some lbs, reset your body… to do a 10 day Herbal Cleanse! This is an incredible product, my first cleanse, I dropped 5.5 lbs!!!
Heres what you have to do … go ahead and order the cleanse HERE before August 5th, I suggest the Peaches & Cream. Once I get the confirmation of an order placed I will email you a full 10 day clean eating meal plan, a grocery list, you will be added to a facebook page that is only open to those participating so that everyone can post tips, support each other and post about your progress. You will also have the chance to win 1 or a few prizes just for participating and providing before and after stats and if possible but not required, pictures!
Email me if you’d like more info!
Jagoda S
wow that is incredibile! keep up the good work!
Angela LeMoine
Thanks so much!!!!!
Raising a Home
Angela, This is amazing! I so admire your hard work. We’re new here and can’t wait to read the rest of your story! Congrats!
Lynn Huntley
Angela~ You should make a cookbook with all the recipes you have made while on Advocare? You have made some really delicious meals~ Keep up the good work Angela:) Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines