We want to thank all of our Craft Frenzy Friday participants last week and welcome you back this week! Please be sure to like your host on all social media you want! We appreciate the love!
Craft Dictator
Turning the Clock Back
West Street Story
LeMoine Family Kitchen
Love, Pasta, and a Tool Belt
If you are interested in co-hosting email Cara at craftdictator@gmail.com!
Now on to our wonderful features!
All the features are picked by the host and co-host of the week!
DIY House Number Sign at 2IY
Quick Dinner Rolls at Mindfully Living
For the Love of Orange at Nicer than New
18 Pretty Ways to Decorate with Pinecones at Life on Lake Shore Drive
And Because I want to wish everyone a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
Halloween Gingerbread House at Recipes, Food, & Cooking
Be Sure to Grab a featured button here!! Also, go grab a Craft Frenzy Friday Button here! We’d love to see them on your page!
**Please note: By linking to this blog party, you are giving Craft Dictator and Obsessive and Creative permission to use your photos and content as part of the weekly features if selected.**
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