A little ditty about me, Angela and how LeMoine Family Kitchen came to be!
Let me start with this, I’m a lucky lady my friends. I’m married to my high school sweetheart and together we have two beautiful boys. I’m a stay at home mom, life is busy and crazy and I wouldn’t change a thing!
I’m a Jersey girl with deep Italian roots.
Before being “mom” I graduated Rutgers U. with a degree in Environmental Policy… boring, I know so we’ll just stop there on that.
My true passion {aside from my first priority, my family} is cooking!! Like I said, those deep Italian roots… my grandparents, all immigrated over to the US from Italy. Family gatherings always always ended up with far too many of us squeezed into a small kitchen, everyone speaking good and loud {half english, half Italian}, laughing hard and stirring a pot of something fabulous!
I was always looking to help in the kitchen; whether it was assembling the antipasto platters, rolling the struffoli or taste testing the pot of simmering sauce with a hunk of Italian bread. The kitchen, thats where I was meant to be. My love of cooking has grown ever since.
Pre kids I was accepted into the Institute of Culinary Education but decided that maybe it wasn’t the right path for me because I really wanted to start a family and be able to stay home with the kids.
Fast forward to June 2012… a friend suggested I start a food blog to share all the recipes for the pictures that I was posting all over Facebook. I thought, hmmm that could be really fun!!! I thought it was a great way for me to share my passion with others, maybe inspire others to start cooking and just to have fun with food!
I never would have imagined how far this little blog of mine would have come and how much I’ve learned along the way. Writing for this blog has forced me to be a bit more creative and to keep things new and fresh in the kitchen! I’ve met some fantastic people and look forward to wherever the future takes LeMoine Family Kitchen. I am so happy to share some of my favorite family recipes, some I just make up with what i’ve got on hand as well as sharing about my favorite cooking products, restaurants and more!
I’d love to hear from you!!!
My email… lemoinefamilykitchen@gmail.com
On Facebook… https://www.facebook.com/LeMoineFamilyKitchen
On Twitter…. https://twitter.com/anglemoine
On Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/anglemoine/lemoine-family-kitchen
My Boys! Jack & Ryan My beautiful family
My Love, Steve.