I was trying to think of a healthy and super simple side dish in place of a rice or potato, so I stared at the veggies at the grocery store to see what I could find. I spotted some parsnips and thought, hmmm, don’t use those very often so lets give them a go. Parsnips…
clean eating
Lentil & Black Bean Burgers
For quite some time I’ve wanted to give a meatless burger a try. There really wasn’t anything appealing about the frozen varieties and really I was skeptical about the whole idea of it. That was until I saw a yummy looking pic on Pinterest of a meatless burger and thought, I need to give this…
Sautéed Asparagus with Lemon & Garlic
Asparagus… it can be delicious or awful! Over cooked, mushy, stringy asparagus is not appetizing… this simple side dish is! A handful of ingredients, a few simple steps and you’ve got a really fresh and delicious dish of asparagus! Sautéed with garlic and finished off with a dab of butter for a little richness and…
Turkey & Spinach Meatballs in Homemade Broth
In an attempt to lose a little weight before my brothers wedding in May I’ve been working on some ideas for lightened up dinners like this one- Turkey & Spinach Meatballs in Homemade Broth . I’ll be perfectly honest, I’m not one of those that would be happy eating salad and chicken everyday, I love food…
Roasted Chicken, Green Beans & Potatoes
Roasted Chicken, Green Beans & Potatoes. An easy and delicious one pan meal that comes together quickly and is packed with flavor! Happy Friday!!! Even though the holidays have passed, our weekends are still packed with festivities! This weekend we are celebrated my friends sons 3rd birthday and my brothers 27th. I love a one dish…
Roasted Butternut Squash & Apple Soup
What says comfort more then a big bowl of soup on a cold day?!? I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, I LOVE soup, all kinds!!! This freezing weather we’ve been having has definitely put me in the mood to sit down in a big comfy sweatshirt and chow down on a big ole…