Baked Ziti with Pesto Béchamel is a twist on the classic with a pesto infused white sauce. Amazing flavor and great for Sunday dinner. While I’m sure most people in the good ole USA were eating wings, chips, dip and drinking beers, we went a different route. Being that my birthday was Friday (no I…
Parsnip Mash
I was trying to think of a healthy and super simple side dish in place of a rice or potato, so I stared at the veggies at the grocery store to see what I could find. I spotted some parsnips and thought, hmmm, don’t use those very often so lets give them a go. Parsnips…
Marinated Carrots
Introducing Rosie from Whats the Recipe Today! She’s got a wonderful and simple recipe for you! Thanks so much for sharing this with us Rosie!! Hi there, My names Rosie and I’ve just dropped by from to give you a taste of life in central Portugal. I moved here from the UK 2 years ago with my partner…
Lentil & Black Bean Burgers
For quite some time I’ve wanted to give a meatless burger a try. There really wasn’t anything appealing about the frozen varieties and really I was skeptical about the whole idea of it. That was until I saw a yummy looking pic on Pinterest of a meatless burger and thought, I need to give this…
Veggie Pizza Melts
Ah! I know its been a while since doing an official Meatless Monday, life has been crazy, but I have posted some meatless options along the way I’ve mentioned my new venture in losing a bit of weight before my brothers wedding, and well the hubby is in a weight lose challenge at work… so the…
Sautéed Asparagus with Lemon & Garlic
Asparagus… it can be delicious or awful! Over cooked, mushy, stringy asparagus is not appetizing… this simple side dish is! A handful of ingredients, a few simple steps and you’ve got a really fresh and delicious dish of asparagus! Sautéed with garlic and finished off with a dab of butter for a little richness and…