Hey LeMoine Family Kitchen readers, I’m so excited to be guest posting. I’m Alex, I write and create over at AlexHaralson.com. I have two little boys, 4 and 2, and a sweet little girl who is now 6 months. I love DIY projects, crafts, organizing, and natural cleaning. Here are some of my posts you…
Mediterranean Couscous Salad
I need to start by saying, AH! Life has been crazy!!!! Our closing date just got moved up by a week so needless to say, we have been spending our spare time packing and wrapping furniture. It is getting very real and a bit scary! Theres a ton to do in the next two weekends!…
10+ Delicious Pasta Dishes {and a BIG Giveaway!}
I’m 100% Italian and I love pasta!!! Its true, I could eat it all the time because you can do so much with it, the pasta possibilities are endless! Whether you are craving a classic lasagna or something lighter like a vegetable packed pasta salad… pasta makes for a great simple meal. Sure a lasagna…
Pear, Arugula, Prosciutto & Herb Cheese Tortilla Pizza
Sure, tomorrow is March 25th and yup we are expecting snow, again! I am so over it, I just want warm weather, eating outside and more meals like this! The concept is simple, the ingredient list short, the flavors phenomenal! Saturday late afternoon, we actually did luck out and we were able to enjoy dinner…
Pork Milanese with Apple Cabbage Slaw
The past couple days here in NJ have been really lovely, today not at all! It is freezing and windy here but thankfully its going to warm up again over the next couple days. We have had such a brutal winter this year and I am beyond ready for the warmth of the sun, hitting…
St. Patricks Day Recipe Roundup
Next week is St. Patricks Day and I had all intentions of dedicating this week on the blog to creating and sharing Irish inspired dishes. Then the reality of packing our entire house in the next few weeks hit and my house is now overflowing with boxes and plastic bins. I have been slacking…