One of my favorite things to bake, aside from my scone obsession, is biscotti. They are an Italian twice baked drier cookie meant to be dunked into your coffee or espresso. These Orange Pecan Biscotti have such a wonderful flavor, are easy to make and perfect to add to your holiday cookie platters! I’ve always…
The Perfect Pecan Tart
One of the great things about the holiday season is definitely all the amazing desserts! The cookies, candies, pies and TARTS! I just LOVE a classic Pecan Tart! I know, I know typically its a pecan pie but I really love using my tart pan because it really makes life so much easier when…
Maple Pecan Shortbread Cookies
We have been on a cookie baking kick in our house this week and we’ll be doing even more this weekend! There is something soothing about baking to me, maybe its the Christmas music playing in the background and all the wonderful aromas coming from the oven! Let me tell you, the aroma that…
Pecan Crescent Rolls
Think pecan pie made really easy and handheld! These Pecan Crescent Rolls are delicious! A quick pecan filling rolled in crescent rolls. Yum! Happy Friday!!!! So today I have something ridiculously simple, 4 ingredients to be exact, but was very much loved when my brothers and SIL came to dinner this week- Pecan Crescent Rolls!…