Today was my first day of a 12 week half marathon training program. Yes, I ran in a snow storm this morning, it was interesting for sure! When I got home I made this delicious Lean Green Smoothie with Pineapple, Banana, Spinach & Vanilla Yogurt. I absolutely love a good smoothie and this one was…
Top Posts of 2014
Its been a GREAT year! I’m taking a look back on the top posts from every month of 2014, its going to be delicious! So go ahead grab a cup of coffee or some champagne {never too early to start the celebration} and enjoy!
Nuwi Quinoa Snack with Carrot & Ginger
Where are my health conscious readers??? I recently was introduced to Nuwi Quinoa Snack drinks and wanted to share with all of you! This right here is superfood in a bottle!!! Organic, vegan, gluten free, lasts free, soy free and Non- GMO!!! This Nuwi Quinoa Drinkable Snack is jam packed with goodness! A healthy, balanced…
Metabolism Boosting Matcha Green Tea Smoothie & A GIVEAWAY
I don’t think i’m alone when I say that the summers are tough to stick to healthy eating with all the BBQs, holidays and just overall more relaxed living. While enjoyed my very frequent special goodies, I am so ready to cut back to maybe a weekend cupcake and get right back on track. I…
St. Patricks Day Recipe Roundup
Next week is St. Patricks Day and I had all intentions of dedicating this week on the blog to creating and sharing Irish inspired dishes. Then the reality of packing our entire house in the next few weeks hit and my house is now overflowing with boxes and plastic bins. I have been slacking…
Peanut Butter, Banana & Chia Smoothie
Hooray the weekend is here!!! This week has been absolutely crazy! Let me fill ya in on whats going on around here. We are in the process of selling our house. Last Wednesday someone came for a showing, the following day there was an offer, a day or two later we accepted the offer, already…